Project 2: History ERA Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. The countries with the most power around the world
  2. 4. stripped the civil rights of the people who were of Japanese ancestry
  3. 7. The Leader of Germany during WW2
  4. 10. Equipment that could pick up incoming enemy aircrafts
  5. 11. He led the Soviet Union during World War 2
  6. 14. The date that World War 2 ends
  7. 15. Oversaw the end of World War 2 and approved the use of the atomic bomb
  1. 2. The date that World War 2 begins
  2. 3. The only president elected four times
  3. 5. Japan bombs this location with atomic bombs
  4. 6. The date that Japan bombs pearl harbor
  5. 8. To be freed
  6. 9. The date that Norway is invaded by Germany
  7. 12. The allied invasion of Normandy
  8. 13. A nuclear weapon used on Japanese cities after Pearl Harbor