
  1. 6. System- The circulatory system is the “transportation system” for the body, and blood serves as the transport vehicle.
  2. 8. System- The lymphatic system is our body's 'sewerage system'. It maintains fluid levels in our body tissues by removing all fluids that leak out of our blood vessels.
  3. 9. System- The integumentary system is the largest organ of the body that forms a physical barrier between the external environment and the internal environment that it serves to protect and maintain.
  4. 10. System- Your heart and many blood vessels in your body make up your cardiovascular system or circulatory system.
  1. 1. System- The skeletal system is your body's support structure. It gives your body its shape, allows movement, makes blood cells, provides protection for your organs and stores minerals.
  2. 2. System- Your digestive system is a network of organs that help you digest and absorb nutrition from your food.
  3. 3. System- A nervous system can be defined as an organized group of cells, called neurons, specialized for the conduction of an impulse.
  4. 4. System- Refers to tissue that makes and releases hormones that travel in the bloodstream and control the actions of other cells or organs.
  5. 5. System- What is the respiratory system? Your respiratory system is the organs and structures in your body that allow you to breathe.
  6. 7. System- The muscular system is composed of specialized cells called muscle fibers.