Promoting and Enforcing Human Rights

  1. 5. rights that are included (written) in a document
  2. 7. a people that share a common heritage, language or culture and sometimes a common race
  3. 8. a government and the people it governs; a country
  4. 14. the primary judicial organ of the UN; has jurisdiction to hear disputes submitted by member states and issue advisory opinions
  5. 15. a legal system that deems treaties enforceable in domestic law as soon as they have been signed
  6. 18. rights that can be implied through the text, structure or purpose of a document
  7. 20. the UN administrative body headed by the UN Secretary- General; contains the departments and offices of the UN
  8. 22. the UN organ that acts as a forum for international economic and social cooperation and development
  9. 23. how powers are divided between the federal and state governments
  1. 1. the UN forum of member states responsible for overseeing and making recommendations on human rights in all member states
  2. 2. preventing one person or group from gaining total power by dividing power between the executive, the legislature and the judiciary
  3. 3. a body of international law developed from the Geneva and Hague conventions that deals with the conduct of states and individuals during armed conflict; also known as the law of armed conflict
  4. 4. inactive since 1994 but originally responsible for overseeing the transition of UN trust territories to self-government after decolonisation
  5. 6. the process of a state formally approving a treaty, making it legally binding
  6. 9. a decision passed by the UN General Assembly or UN Security Council; when passed by the UN Security Council, it can be legally binding on all member states
  7. 10. powers listed in sections 51 and 52 of the Australian Constitution: the areas that the Commonwealth can legislate on
  8. 11. a legal system that does not deem treaties enforceable domestically until and unless they are incorporated into domestic law, usually by passing similar legislation
  9. 12. the UN organ representing all UN member states; acts as a forum for global discussion and runs numerous committees and programs
  10. 13. the UN organ responsible for the preservation of international peace and security; it has the power to authorise military action and other measures
  11. 16. laws made by people or bodies to whom parliament has delegated law-making authority
  12. 17. the UN human rights office responsible for monitoring and reporting on human rights worldwide
  13. 19. the process by which a country incorporates a treaty into domestic law
  14. 21. a government power that is not listed in section 51 of the Australian Constitution as a legislative power of the Commonwealth Parliament, and thus belongs to the states