Protect Earth’s Resources

  1. 4. _________ all agriculture is sustainable.
  2. 5. Some agriculture is _________, which means long-lasting with a positive impact.
  3. 10. Sometimes there are _________ impacts of using resources.
  4. 11. Natural resources can be renewable or _________.
  5. 13. Humans rely on industry for needs and to make life more _________.
  6. 15. Examples of renewable resources are sun (solar energy), air/wind and _________.
  7. 16. The use of natural resources can affect the _________ that make up Earth.
  8. 17. There is a limited amount of _________ water, so limiting pollution in our fresh water sources is important!
  9. 18. _________ means the processing of raw materials (leather, wool, cotton) and manufacturing of goods (gas, computers, electronics).
  10. 19. Sometimes _________ resources are used to create synthetic (man-made) materials like plastic.
  11. 20. Examples of nonrenewable resources are oil, _________, natural gas, and fresh water.
  1. 1. Some practices are meant for short-term _________ and may have negative impacts.
  2. 2. These are natural resources that are _________ available.
  3. 3. Resources use with _________ effects may include some hunting and fishing.
  4. 6. _________ is a human practice of growing food sources for the population.
  5. 7. Many of our daily activities require resources, such as driving and using _________.
  6. 8. _________ in our everyday life have an impact on the natural world, both positive and negative.
  7. 9. Sustainable practices include, rotating crops, planting cover crops, reducing _________ plowing.
  8. 10. _________ resources are natural resources that are available in a limited amount.
  9. 12. Examples of less sustainable practices include, CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operations, use of _________.
  10. 14. _________ resources are supplies humans need that are found in the natural world.
  11. 16. Most of the water on Earth’s _________ is not usable for drinking water.