Protect the Patient and Yourself!

  1. 2. Members not classified as radiation workers whose dose limit is 1/10th of effective dose limit for radiation workers
  2. 7. Agencies that carry the force of law and can issue fines such as the NRC and FDA
  3. 9. Commonly made from lead that helps reduce radiation scatter to patients and techs.
  4. 10. ICRP and UNSCEAR are just a couple of these agencies that help share in the establishment of radiation protection
  5. 11. Type of worker that is exposed to radiation due to their job.
  6. 13. Ionizing radiation effects that are random in nature, such as cancer and genetic effects
  7. 14. Type of barrier that can be struck by the useful beam exiting the x-ray tube.
  8. 16. Used to selectively absorb low-energy photons that would be absorbed by patient
  1. 1. Increasing _______ between patient and source of exposure is an effective way to reduce exposure.
  2. 3. Effects from ionizing radiation that threshold is assumed. May be in forms of cataracts and skin erythema.
  3. 4. Radiography staff need to know how the effects of selection of ________________ and how different projections can affect patient exposure.
  4. 5. Situation deserving special consideration when x-raying females of child-bearing age.
  5. 6. _________ limits, also known as radiation exposure limits
  6. 8. Type of radiation that may cause biological effects with frequent exposure
  7. 12. Acronym for non-profit advisory group established by ICRP in 1929
  8. 15. Acronym for thoughtful approach taken by agencies to help minimize radiation exposure