Protecting the Human Animal Bond

  1. 2. The population of __ or immunocompromised people is growing and will continue to grow
  2. 4. Wherever possible, disease and __ in animals that pose an direct or indirect zoonotic threat should be prevented
  3. 6. __ pets against diseases can reduce human environmental exposure to pathogenic organisms
  4. 7. the percent of pets that share the bedroom/bed
  5. 9. a major cause of intestinal disease in human infants and pets
  6. 11. one of the fastest spreading diseases in man
  7. 12. Fleas can facilitate disease transmission such as this
  1. 1. With strengthening of the human animal bon, comes greater __ for the vet
  2. 3. the percent of pet owners in the US who consider pets as children
  3. 5. Tick infestation can __ spread of tick-borne diseases such as lyme disease
  4. 8. as pets achieve family member status, so does the __ that the receive
  5. 10. For the future of the vet profession, it is vital that we understand and accept __ for protecting pet owners from zoonotic and shared disease threats