Proverbs Chapters 1-8

  1. 2. Blessed is the one who finds _(Prov.3:13)
  2. 4. Trust in the Lord with all thine _(Prov.3:5)
  3. 8. The Lord will be your _(Prov.3:26 NKJV)
  4. 10. The Lord sees _,and HE watches us closely(Prov.5:21CEV)
  5. 12. The Lord corrects those HE _(Prov.3:12 NIV)
  6. 13. For those who find me find _(Prov.8:35NIV)
  7. 14. For wisdom is better than_(Prov.8:11)
  1. 1. There are six things that the Lord _(Prov.6:16NIV)
  2. 3. A wise man will hear,and __ learning (Prov.1:5)
  3. 5. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of __ (Prov.1:7)
  4. 6. __shall preserve thee (Prov.2:11)
  5. 7. Keep your _with all diligence. (Prov.4:23)
  6. 9. Say to wisdom,"You are my_" (Prov.7:4CSB)
  7. 11. _ despise wisdom and instruction (Prov. 1:7)