Proverbs crossword

  1. 1. Where there is a will, there is a...
  2. 3. Blood is thicker than...
  3. 4. Great....think alike.
  4. 5. Charity begins at...
  5. 6. You can`t teach an old dog new...
  6. 11. ...makes the heart grow fonder
  7. 12. Every.....has a silver lining.
  8. 13. There`s no use crying over spilt...
  1. 1. The early bird catches the...
  2. 2. Don`t put all your eggs in one...
  3. 3. Actions speak louder than...
  4. 7. One swallow doesn`t make...
  5. 8. A friend in need is a friend ...
  6. 9. Two....are better than one.
  7. 10. Too many .... spoil the broth.