Psalms 100 & Philippians 4:4-7

  1. 1. The ________ is near.
  2. 3. Shout for ______ to the Lord
  3. 5. his _________ continues through all generations
  4. 6. will guard your _______ and your minds in Christ Jesus
  5. 7. Let your __________ be evident to all.
  6. 8. Do not be ________ about anything
  7. 10. And the ________ of God
  8. 11. in every situation, by ______ and petition
  1. 2. ________ in the Lord always.
  2. 4. give thanks to him and ________ his name.
  3. 7. Worship the Lord with _________
  4. 9. we are his people, the ______ in the pasture.