PSL 310 - Acid/Base Balance

  1. 5. renal regulation of acid/base involves adjustment of ________ ion and bicarbonate ion.
  2. 6. hyperventilation can cause a state known as ________ alkalosis.
  3. 8. decreasing ventilation will _____ the amount of CO2 that is removed from the body, and hence will retain H+ in the blood
  4. 10. this buffer system is primarily buffers the ECF against noncarbonic-acid changes
  5. 12. vomiting stomach acid, hypomagnesaemia, ingestion of saliva while chewing tobacco can all lead to metabolic _________.
  6. 13. patients exhibiting alkalosis will likely be excreting this type of urine during their body's attempt to compensate
  7. 14. sedatives, impaired breathing mechanics, COPD, can all cause respiratory _________
  8. 16. this buffer system is the primary buffer against carbonic acid changes
  9. 17. this buffer system is an important urinary buffer
  1. 1. H+ excretion rates are regulated by means of increasing/decreasing tubular ________
  2. 2. the third and final line of defense against acid load.
  3. 3. metabolic alkalosis will result in a ________ in ventilation rate
  4. 4. minimizes changes in ECF pH by binding or releasing free H+ to weak acids/weak bases. (abbreviation).
  5. 6. HCO3- excretion rates are regulated by means of increasing/decreasing tubular _________
  6. 7. above normal H+ in arterial blood stimulates chemoreceptors leading to an _________ in ventilation rate
  7. 9. chronic diarrhea, ketoacidosis due to untreated diabetes, and ingestion of methanol are examples that lead to ______ acidosis
  8. 11. patients exhibiting acidosis will likely be excreting this type of urine during their body's attempt to compensate
  9. 15. kidneys regulate the formation and subsequent secretion of "_________ urinary acids" in response to acidosis