PSL 310 Motor PNS

  1. 4. this structure especially influences activity of the ANS at the level of the brain stem.
  2. 7. this nervous system allows for actions like walking, talking, breathing, dancing.
  3. 8. this pharmacological agent competes with acetylcholine in binding to receptors
  4. 10. the NMJ of skeletal muscle fibers is always a(n) _________ synapse.
  5. 11. this type of fiber of the ANS synapses with an effector tissue.
  6. 14. another term for the sympathetic division of the ANS
  7. 15. this corticospinal tract crosses in the spinal cord
  8. 17. this corticospinal tract crosses in the brainstem
  9. 19. autoimmune disease that ultimately decreases the amount of Ach that can bind to receptors in the NMJ
  1. 1. anatomic structures in the hands and ______ have many more motor neurons in the motor homunculus compared to structures like the wrist and elbow.
  2. 2. many somatic motorneurons involved in posture, balance, and breathing are under this type of control
  3. 3. lesions in these motor neurons result in symptoms like spasticity and hyperreflexia
  4. 5. these motor neurons receive converging inputs numerous different upper motor neurons
  5. 6. the neurotransmitter released at the NMJ
  6. 8. another term for the parasympathetic division of the ANS
  7. 9. a collection of postganglionic sympathetic cell bodies, essentially neuroendocrine cells
  8. 11. rest and digest functions are often (but not ALWAYS) associated with the activation of this nervous system
  9. 12. the autonomic nervous system innervates cardiac cells, smooth muscle, fat cells, and _______.
  10. 13. the autonomic nervous system is composed of motor neurons arranged in a two-neuron chain pattern with an autonomic ________.
  11. 16. the supplemental motor area, premotor cortex, and prefrontal association cortex all transmit information to this cortex
  12. 18. this type of fiber of the ANS originates in the CNS
  13. 19. one motor neuron plus all skeletal muscle fibers it innervates make up a _________.
  14. 20. the fight or flight response is often (but not ALWAYS) a result of the activation of this nervous system
  15. 21. NEJ synapses of the ANS can either be excitatory or _________.