PSY2003 Group Memberships

  1. 2. Abi goes to a Newcastle United football match and thinks of herself as part of the club. What is she doing?
  2. 6. The Minimal Group Paradigm demonstrates this effect.
  3. 7. According to Social Comparison Theory, this is the kind of comparison we make if want to feel better about ourselves.
  4. 10. When group boundaries are seen as non-permeable but hierarchies are not seen as fixed, then this occurs.
  5. 11. We strive for this as it helps us establish coherent groups.
  6. 16. This type of group encompasses all others.
  7. 17. The classic social psychology experiment on the effect of group memberships (abbr).
  8. 18. General term for countries that are not individualistic.
  9. 20. The Robber's Cave experiment can be criticised for not taking into account these differences.
  10. 22. People use this to tell a story about their lives / a type of story.
  11. 25. Ask for this at the cocktail bar if you want the group to influence you in a dangerous way.
  12. 26. This historical surprise attack was an example of the dangers of groupthink.
  13. 27. Another word for prototype.
  14. 28. Developed Social Comparison Theory
  15. 29. Which group we choose to identify with depends on this.
  16. 30. Group memberships help to reduce this.
  1. 1. The type of fit an object displays when it shows the expected characteristics for group categorisation.
  2. 3. The classic term for looking within.
  3. 4. How we see ourselves.
  4. 5. Groups influence individuals by pulling them in the direction they are _________.
  5. 8. The process of maximising differences between groups and minimising differences within groups.
  6. 9. A fuzzy set of attributes?
  7. 12. Developed Social Identity Theory
  8. 13. This concept is consistent with both RCGT and SIT.
  9. 14. The type of fit an object displays when it behaves in the expected way for group categorisation.
  10. 15. Elfs (anagram)
  11. 17. When other people react to us, they behave like this common household item.
  12. 19. Developed Self-Categorisation Theory
  13. 21. According to Social Comparison Theory, this is the kind of comparison we make if we want to improve.
  14. 23. Cognitive term for the framework in which we see the world.
  15. 24. We do this a lot on social media to show other people who we really are.