Psych of Language Unit 2 Exam Crossword

  1. 2. The set of all words that begin with the same sequence.
  2. 5. _____ probability is the likelihood that a person will complete a sentence with a particular word.
  3. 7. Fast mapping leads to lexical _____, while slow mapping leads to lexical
  4. 8. Caregiver speech that involves labeling objects of joint attention and commenting on them is known as _____ talk.
  5. 9. The parsing strategy of attaching a prepositional phrase to the verb is called _____ attachment.
  6. 12. A transition _____ place is a point in the conversation where the listener can expect the current speaker to end a turn.
  7. 13. A model in which all of the processing at one step needs to be completed before moving on to the next step.
  8. 15. The antecedent is the entity in discourse that an ______ refers back to.
  9. 16. Who proposed the “poverty of the stimulus” argument?
  1. 1. A mental representation of some sort of statistical regularity in our experience.
  2. 3. The vocabulary that a person can use in appropriate context.
  3. 4. A ______ network is a computer model that models statistical learning.
  4. 6. The minimal unit of meaningful speech that can stand alone.
  5. 10. A model in which all of the processing at one step occurs simultaneously with the same processing at other steps.
  6. 11. A word’s _____ is a measure of how often a particular word in all its forms occurs in a language.
  7. 14. The ______ advantage is when a child learns a new word faster because it sound like a familiar word.