Psych People

  1. 1. proved that facial expressions are universal (though interpretation also depends on context)
  2. 3. supported client centered therapy and unconditional positive regard; to have an accepting and non judgmental attitude toward those who need to develop self acceptance and self awareness
  3. 4. more about directly confronting and addressing the client's absurd, illogical attitude and assumptions
  4. 6. came up with 8 stages of psychosocial development (1 is a bun, 2 is a shoe, etc)
  5. 10. came up with forgetting curve (storage decay) and how its rapid at first, then levels off
  6. 13. discovered dissociation (split between levels of consciousness which allows for thoughts or behaviors to occur simultaneously with others)
  7. 14. conducted study demonstrating conformity within a group setting (three sticks matching question)
  8. 16. focused on childhood social situations (not sexual tensions) that contribute toward personality formation
  9. 18. came up with theory of learned helplessness
  10. 20. came up with cognitive dissonance theory (when our attitudes line up with actions)
  11. 22. worked alongside and against Kohlberg on ethics related issues; studied women's psychology and girls' development
  12. 24. addresses people's illogical thinking but in a gentler way; questions them to help them see their irrationality and persuades them to get rid of it
  13. 25. structuralism guy; focused on a person's introspection of things
  1. 2. conducted questionnaire and shock experiment that demonstrated obedience
  2. 3. conducted hospital experiment with revelation that people cannot differ between sanity/insanity, that labels stick and make other people biased.
  3. 5. came up with 3 morality levels (preconventional, conventional, postconventional)
  4. 7. studied infant development; supported idea in temperament that anxious infants become more physiologically aroused in new/strange situations
  5. 8. conducted prison experiment that demonstrated cognitive dissonance theory
  6. 9. came up with types of parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive)
  7. 11. came up with 3 intelligences (triarchic theory) 5 components of creativity
  8. 12. came up with 8 intelligences that go beyond traditional school smarts
  9. 14. studied types of emotional attachment (secure and insecure) between child and mother
  10. 15. discovered that babies come with a built in readiness to learn grammatical rules
  11. 17. went on the idea of availability heuristics and how we use the most vivid, available memory of things to make decisions/judgments (which can lead to dumb decisions)
  12. 19. came up with misinformation effect (incorporating misleading info into one's memory can make it seem real)
  13. 21. focused on importance of cognition and how physical environment is key for cognitive development; also the guy affected by source amnesia
  14. 23. conducted taste aversion experiment with rats; discovered that capacity for learning is constrained by biology
  15. 25. came up with the collective unconscious concept; that we