
  1. 3. Theory of learned helplessness
  2. 4. Known for his forgetting curve and spacing effect
  3. 10. Conformity experiment; people's opinions influenced by those of a majority group
  4. 12. Maternal separation with monkeys
  5. 13. Studied the validity of psychiatry diagnoses
  6. 16. Cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory
  7. 19. Moral development in women and girls
  8. 21. Conditioned reflex; dogs & rings
  9. 24. Theory of emotion; emotion comes from some stimulus
  10. 25. Theory of multiple intelligences
  11. 28. A neo-freudian psychologist; theory of neurotic needs
  1. 1. Founded analytical psychology; extraverted & introverted
  2. 2. Decision making, 'prospect theory'
  3. 5. There are 3 types of parents: authoritarian, indulgent, authoritative
  4. 6. Early emotional attachment theory, attachment between caregiver & child
  5. 7. Developmental psychology, infant's temperament is stable over time
  6. 8. Theory of moral development (6 stages)
  7. 9. Triangular theory of love & intelligence
  8. 11. One who believes that humans posses a "language acquisition device"
  9. 14. Developed the rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
  10. 15. Known for his research on hypnosis
  11. 17. Theory of psychosocial development (8 stages)
  12. 18. Bobo doll experiment
  13. 20. Misinformation effect and eyewitness memory
  14. 22. Study of basic human emotions and relation to facial expressions
  15. 23. Garcia effect, taste aversion learning
  16. 26. Discovered person centered therapy
  17. 27. Father of cognitive therapy, self report measure (BDI)