
  1. 3. Deafness Hearing loss that results from damage to the cochlea
  2. 6. Cells in the retina that receive input directly from the receptors
  3. 7. Light that is coming in to the pupil is focused by this
  4. 10. Rear surface of the eye
  5. 11. Fine tuned to respond to only a certain certain taste stimulus
  6. 15. To find out if two seemingly unique tastes come from different receptors
  7. 19. The intensity of a sound wave
  8. 20. Another word for lazy eye
  9. 22. Theory that color is perceived through the relative rates of response
  10. 25. An opening in the center of the eye in which light enters
  11. 26. Optic nerve sends info from the right eye to the left
  12. 28. perception of the frequency of a sound wave
  13. 31. The quality of complexity of a tone
  14. 32. Theory that the basilar membrane vibrates in synchrony with a sound
  15. 33. Deafness that fails the bones of the middle ear
  16. 34. has dense receptors for natural endorphins
  17. 35. cells in the fovea and other primates
  18. 36. A band of tissue that gives eyes their color
  19. 37. Chemicals contained by an animal that affect the behavior of other members of the same species
  20. 38. Cells that have small receptive fields.
  21. 39. Axons of ganglion cells join together to from what type of nerve
  22. 40. Theory that the cortex compares info from various parts of the retina
  23. 41. Not being able to identify who the person is but can tell whether they are male or female
  24. 44. Recieves input from
  25. 45. Window membrane in the inner ear where vibrations are transmitted too
  26. 46. Rapid, Voluntary eyes movements that detect subtle changes
  27. 47. A decreased responsiveness caused by an asymmetric curvature
  1. 1. The eyes outer most layer
  2. 2. A protein that causes itching sensation
  3. 4. Area at the back of the retina where the optic nerve exits
  4. 5. Stream that originates from V2 and extends to the temporal lobe. The “what” pathway
  5. 6. The ability to respond in limited ways to visual info without perceiving it consciously
  6. 8. Tiny area of the retina where receptors are tightly packed
  7. 9. The number of compressions per second of a sound measured in hertz
  8. 12. Pain that shows up in the cingulate cortex
  9. 13. Touch, pressure, pain, tickle
  10. 14. Stream that originates from V2 and extends to the parietal lobe. The “where” pathway
  11. 16. Scientific name for tone deafness
  12. 17. Chemicals contained in rods and cones that release energy when struck by light
  13. 18. Cells that get information from bipolar cells and send it to other bipolar cells
  14. 21. Frequent or constant ringing
  15. 23. The sense of smell
  16. 24. Cells that are found throughout the retina, some are color sensitive
  17. 27. Picks up many different taste
  18. 29. Area of the body connected to particular spinal nerve
  19. 30. Map of sound frequency
  20. 37. A drug with no pharmacological effects
  21. 38. The inability to recognize faces due to damage of several brain areas
  22. 42. Expectation of harm actually causes feelings of pain
  23. 43. Theory that pitch perception depends on which part of the inner ear has cells with the greatest activity level