Psychological science

  1. 7. Statistical measure of variance. Found by subtracting the lowest from the highest then adding one.
  2. 8. effect, Substance not known to have pharmacological effect.
  3. 9. Method of research, where the investigator manipulates one part and controls the other, to yield a result.
  4. 11. A measure of central tendency , defined by the average of the numbers given in a data set.
  5. 12. coefficient, Measure of direction of relationship between two set of scores.
  6. 13. Data collection of self reported responses of peoples answer to questions.
  7. 14. Statistical method to represent the relationship between two factors.
  8. 15. procedure, Experiment, where both subject and researcher do not know the condition the study is taking place.
  9. 17. the repetition of a research study with different situations and subjects, to determine if the findings of the original study can be applied to other participants and circumstances.
  10. 20. The group of subjects chosen to be studied.
  11. 23. significance, Probability of some result from a statistical test occurring by chance.
  12. 27. plot, Visual representation between two factors.
  13. 28. Explaining the purpose of the study to the subject.
  14. 29. thinking, evaluating and accepting claims before accepting it.
  15. 31. A measure of central tendency , defined by the most common number in a data set.
  1. 1. A measure of central tendency , defined by middle number given in a data set
  2. 2. group, The group that a test is being carried on.
  3. 3. study, In depth study of one or very small group of people.
  4. 4. curve, Bell shaped curve, where most occurrences take place in the middle and taper off on either side.
  5. 5. variable, Variable that depends on the controlled variable.
  6. 6. A set of principles that organizes and predicts.
  7. 10. observation, The study of subjects in their natural habitat.
  8. 16. A clear, straightforward statement that reflects a theory.
  9. 18. definition, A statement of the procedures or ways in which a researcher is going to measure behaviors or qualities.
  10. 19. Set of ideas, beliefs and traditions that exist in a large group of people, and may determine ones view in a case.
  11. 21. variable, Variable that is controlled.
  12. 22. deviation, How much a score varies from the mean.
  13. 24. group, Treatment group that receives treatment for a shared condition or problem.
  14. 25. sample, Subjects who are picked at random from a population.
  15. 26. bias, "i knew it all along" tendency to believe you could have anticipated an outcome after learning of it.
  16. 30. consent, Permission given by a human participant to take part in an experimental study.