  1. 2. Binet’s test in Bengali
  2. 4. Concept of IQ
  3. 7. Buddhi & concept of integral intelligence
  4. 8. Binet’s test in Urdu & Punjabi
  5. 10. Concept of Emotional Intelligence
  6. 12. Russian who acknowledged cultural component in intelligence
  7. 13. Indian adaptation of DAT
  8. 17. Creativity tests
  9. 19. Triarchic theory of intelligence
  10. 20. Heirarchial Theory of intelligence
  11. 21. Structure of intellect model of intelligence
  12. 22. Uni-factor theory
  1. 1. Two factor theory
  2. 3. inception of Mental age and chronological age
  3. 5. Theory of primary mental abilities
  4. 6. PASS model of intelligence
  5. 9. A. Creativity B. Gifted individuals
  6. 11. Theory of multiple intelligence
  7. 14. Bhatia’s battery of tests
  8. 15. Binet’s test in Hindi
  9. 16. 103 intelligence tests acc. to Indian context
  10. 18. Cognitive Assessment Tests