
  1. 3. studied attachment in monkeys with artificial mothers
  2. 5. classical conditioning
  3. 8. developed "rational emotive behavior therapy"(REBT)
  4. 9. Stanley ____ experiment; electric shock experiments on obedience
  5. 10. developed cognitive-behavior therapy
  6. 11. theory of parenting styles; 3 main types
  7. 14. conducted experiements with dogs that led to the concept of "learned helplessness"
  8. 15. experimented to determine the validity of psychiatric diagnosis
  9. 16. developmental psychologist; 3 stage theory of moral development in children
  10. 18. described concept of cognitive dissonance
  11. 21. father of client-centered therapy
  12. 22. known for his discovery of the forgetting curve and spacing effect
  13. 27. developmental psychologist; 8 stages of psychosocial development
  14. 28. studied taste aversion in rats; sickness and taste preferences can be conditioned
  15. 29. developed the first widely used intelligence test
  16. 30. notable for his work on decision-making and judgement
  17. 31. Little Albert experiment
  18. 34. conducted longitudinal studies on temperament (infancy to adolescence)
  1. 1. interested in the univerality of facial expressions; microexpressions to detect lying
  2. 2. offered feminist critique of Freud's theory
  3. 3. famous for his hypnosis research; hidden observer theory
  4. 4. Stanford prison experiment
  5. 6. developmental psychologist; 4 stages of cognitive development
  6. 7. "Bobo doll" experiment, concepts of self-efficacy and social learning
  7. 12. best known for her research on attachment theory
  8. 13. creator of "successful intelligence" theory; 3 types
  9. 17. known for his theory of "multiple intelligences"
  10. 18. known as the father of psychoanalysis
  11. 19. developed the theory of operant conditioning
  12. 20. founder of analytical psychology
  13. 23. critiqued Kolhberg's moral development theory; believed women's moral sense are guided by relationships
  14. 24. misinformation effect; created doubts about the accuracy of eye-witness testimony
  15. 25. ___'s Hierarchy of Needs
  16. 26. created concept of "universal grammar";all languages share the same basic elements
  17. 32. social psychologist; famous for his conformity experiments (line test)
  18. 33. published the first psychology textbook