Psychology 11: Scientific Method

  1. 6. a study during which neither participants nor researchers know to which group any subject belongs
  2. 9. a research method that involves studying subjects without their being aware that they're being watched
  3. 14. systematic measure of what people know; how they act, think, and feel; or what their goals are
  4. 15. the group on which the critical part of the experiment is performed
  5. 17. people or animals on whom a study is conducted
  6. 18. the factor in a study that changes or varies as a result of changes in the independent variable
  7. 19. a group that represents a larger group
  1. 1. research that collects lengthy detailed information about a person's background, usually for psychological treatment
  2. 2. a statement of the results that the experimenter expects
  3. 3. the factor that the experimenter manipulates or changes in a study
  4. 4. the group that does not participate in the critical part of the experiment
  5. 5. a method of research that looks at different age groups at the same time in order to understand changes that occur during the life span
  6. 7. a fixed set of beliefs about a group that is generalized to all or most group members; stereotypes may or may not be accurate
  7. 8. factors that change in an experiment
  8. 10. a group that truly reflects a selected characteristic of a larger population
  9. 11. a method of research that studies the same group of people over an extended period of time
  10. 12. a research method that involves studying people face-to-face and asking questions
  11. 13. research that takes place outside the lab
  12. 16. a "medicine" that has no active ingredients and works by the power of suggestion
  13. 17. a method of research that involves asking subjects questions about their feelings, opinions, or behavior patterns