
  1. 3. memory loss after the event and cannot form new memories
  2. 4. Information coming from 5 areas
  3. 6. how to do things like skills or actions
  4. 7. can only hold information for a certain amount of time
  5. 9. to pull information from
  6. 10. autobiographical knowledge, what you wouldn't share
  7. 12. trying to learn and remember new material
  8. 14. you're given a list of options and one is the right answer
  9. 16. where we consider the surface of what we're trying to remember
  10. 17. general facts of knowledge, things we can agree on
  11. 18. to remember the beginning or start of the list better
  1. 1. memory loss that's prior to an event
  2. 2. where long term memory is stored
  3. 5. overriding new information from old information
  4. 8. old information interferes with new information
  5. 11. important roll in emotional part of memory
  6. 13. to remember the last things on the list better
  7. 15. a list of letters we put together to remember things easier