Psychology Names

  1. 3. facial expressions
  2. 4. developmental psychology
  3. 6. theory of psychological development
  4. 10. theory of intelligence and creativity
  5. 12. children think in different ways than adults
  6. 14. humanistic psychology
  7. 15. Stanford prison experiment
  8. 19. classical conditioning
  9. 20. father of american psychology
  10. 21. misinformation/eyewitness memory
  11. 22. uncertain human judgement
  12. 26. observational learning
  13. 28. care-giving monkey experiment
  1. 1. father of cognitive therapy
  2. 2. behaviorist
  3. 5. stages of moral development
  4. 7. stranger situation
  5. 8. invented the intelligence test
  6. 9. learned helplessness
  7. 11. taste aversion
  8. 13. opinions affected by majority (line test)
  9. 16. parenting styles
  10. 17. hierarchy of needs
  11. 18. language acquisition theory
  12. 23. hypnosis can control pain
  13. 24. obedience experiment
  14. 25. psychological school of behaviourism
  15. 27. father of psychoanalysis