Psychology People

  1. 1. emotions and their relation to facial expressions
  2. 6. Little Albert, Classical Conditioning
  3. 10. measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure
  4. 11. Thinking Fast and Slow
  5. 12. Theory of Moral Developement
  6. 15. Theory of Psychological Development
  7. 16. Attatchment Styles
  8. 19. Hypnonsis
  9. 21. The _______ Box
  10. 22. ____’s Therapy for depression
  11. 23. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
  12. 24. Sound of Bell Makes Dog Drool
  13. 25. Client Centered Therapy
  14. 26. false memories
  1. 2. very little difference between the infants in day care and those whose mothers stayed at home
  2. 3. Conformity experiment
  3. 4. ____'s Hierachy of needs
  4. 5. _______'s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
  5. 7. Stanford Prison Study
  6. 8. Learned Helplessness
  7. 9. Parenting Styles
  8. 13. Bobo Doll
  9. 14. Universal Grammer
  10. 17. invented the first usable Intelligence Test
  11. 18. Psychoanalysis
  12. 19. rhesus Monkeys (attatchment)
  13. 20. Taste Aversion Learning
  14. 24. _____'s Theory of Cognitive Development