Psychology People

  1. 3. Please continue. The experiment requires that you continue. It is absolutely essential that you continue. You have no other choice. You must go on.
  2. 5. Responsible for theory of stages of moral development
  3. 7. Came up with the theory of cognitive development
  4. 10. discovered the forgetting curve and the spacing effect
  5. 12. conducted research related to second language acquisition
  6. 13. known for her work in early emotional attachment with the "Strange Situation"
  7. 15. Established the school of behaviorism and conducted the "Little Albert" experiment
  8. 17. Responsible for the stages of psychosocial development
  9. 18. clinical and developmental psychologist known for research parenting styles
  10. 19. Former president of the American Psychological association, specialized in social psychology and parapsychology.
  11. 20. founding father of psychoanalysis
  12. 21. Neo-freudian that questioned psychoanalysis and traditional Freudian views.
  13. 23. known for his hierarchy of needs (fulfilling innate human needs and culminating in self actualization
  14. 25. discovered the conditioned response
  15. 26. worked on linguistics, a branch of cognitive psychology
  16. 27. developed the concepts of extraversion and introversion and archetypes.
  1. 1. Wool mommy monkey and wire mommy monkey
  2. 2. behaviorist that invented the operant conditioning chamber
  3. 4. best known the experiment in which healthy associates briefly simulated hallucinations in different mental hospitals.
  4. 6. invented the first usable intelligence test
  5. 8. best known for cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory
  6. 9. Hypnosis, especially with regard to pain control
  7. 11. Pioneer in the field of cognitive psychology, developed techniques to study human information processing.
  8. 14. summed up a branch of psychology, “positive psychology”
  9. 16. One of the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology
  10. 18. Responsible for the Bobo doll experiment
  11. 22. Pioneer in the study of emotions and their relations to facial expressions
  12. 24. Worked in the areas of impression formation, conformity, prestige suggestion, and other areas in social psychology