Psychology Review

  1. 2. Oedipus complex
  2. 5. Taste aversion
  3. 7. Hierarchy of needs
  4. 9. Emotion
  5. 13. Hypnosis
  6. 15. Binet-Simon scale
  7. 16. Parenting
  8. 18. Heuristics
  9. 20. Memory
  10. 21. Attachment theory
  11. 22. Classical conditioning
  12. 23. Triarcbic theory of intelligence
  13. 25. Skinner box
  14. 27. Cognitive development stages
  15. 28. Questioned Freud's theories
  1. 1. Collective unconscious
  2. 3. Functionalism
  3. 4. Cognitive therapy
  4. 6. Humanistic approach
  5. 8. Temperament
  6. 10. Milgram experiment
  7. 11. Linguistics
  8. 12. Behaviorism
  9. 14. Serial position effect
  10. 17. Bobo doll experiment
  11. 19. Stages of development
  12. 24. Theory of multiple intelligences
  13. 26. Monkey