Psychology Revision Crossword

  1. 3. a sleep disorder charactised by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  2. 5. the two halves of the brain are called
  3. 6. a psychologist having and maintaining the appropriate qualifications
  4. 11. this psychologists works in the justice system
  5. 12. the variable being measured
  6. 14. the guidelines that ensure the safety and protection of participants
  7. 17. the model that looks at phyiscal, cognitive, and environmental factors of mental health
  8. 18. this dream theory claims that we dream to practice threatening events
  9. 22. the chemical message sent between nerve cells
  10. 23. the age group that has a delayed sleep time
  11. 26. the bundle of nerves that stretch from the base of the brain to the lower back
  12. 27. the line from mentally health to mental illness is called the mental health _____________
  13. 28. the lobe responsible for vision
  14. 29. the variable being manipulated
  1. 1. a bodily reaction to stress is called a _____________________ response
  2. 2. the nervous system that prepares you for action
  3. 4. a sleep disorder characterised by chronic daytime sleepiness ans sleeping
  4. 7. a mental illness charactised by delusions, hallucinations and trouble thinking
  5. 8. an irrational, specific fear
  6. 9. the factor that triggers the onset of a mental illness
  7. 10. an educated prediction on the outcome of an experiment
  8. 13. the lobe that processes speech
  9. 15. a nerve cell
  10. 16. these are likely to occur during REM sleep
  11. 19. the scientific study of mental processes and behaviour
  12. 20. not getting enough sleep is consider as __________ sleep deprivation
  13. 21. the biological clock, _______________ rhythm
  14. 24. ___________ eye movement
  15. 25. the factor that helps someone improve their mental health
  16. 30. has four stages of progressively deeper sleep