Psychology: States

  1. 2. Difficulty in getting to sleep or staying asleep
  2. 4. Type of drugs that result in increased activity of the central nervous system
  3. 5. Procedure where a professional suggests that a person will experience changes in sensation, thoughts, or feelings
  4. 8. An internal state that activates behavior and directs it towards a goal
  5. 9. Sudden, irresistible sleep attack
  6. 13. Hypnotic ___________ is the reduction in pain caused by hypnosis
  7. 14. Excessive daytime sleepiness
  8. 15. A dream in which the dreamer feels awake and capable of normal thought
  9. 16. Mental filters that hide the true meanings of dreams
  10. 18. Last name of the first person to suggest dreams are based on wish fulfillment
  1. 1. Innate tendency that determines behavior
  2. 3. A behavioral pattern marked by an overwhelming compulsive desire to obtain and use the drug
  3. 4. Repeated interrupting breathing during sleep
  4. 6. When prolonged use of a drug makes the original dose too small to be effective
  5. 7. A state of panic during NREM sleep
  6. 10. Types of drugs that affect the nervous system
  7. 11. Last name of the scientist who used monkeys to explore drive-reduction theory
  8. 12. Last name of the person credited with beginning the idea of hypnosis
  9. 17. Someone who sleep walks