psychology unit 2

  1. 2. Subjects in the 1982 sleep deprivation experiment
  2. 5. About
  3. 6. Day
  4. 7. 50% of sleep in REM
  5. 8. which are brief sidesteps into sleep that last only a few seconds
  6. 9. of consciousness= States other than the normal waking consciousness
  7. 10. What the sleep-wake cycle is controlled by
  8. 11. processing when you are aware of your thought process
  9. 14. this rhythm is the cycle of bodily rhythm over a 24 hour period
  1. 1. stayed awake for 11 days and 25 minutes for a science fair project.
  2. 3. any significant loss of sleep, results in irritability or lass in concentration
  3. 4. this rhythm is the natural cycles of activity the body must go through
  4. 5. awareness of everything
  5. 12. processing that happens without conscious awareness.
  6. 13. consciousness state where thoughts feelings and sensations are organised. You also feel alert