PTC and Hospital Formulary

  1. 6. a function of PTC where they prepare programs for HC professionals
  2. 10. a supply for cabinet utility room
  3. 11. librium is an example
  4. 12. drug name used in dispensing medications in hospitals
  5. 15. are developed to avoid misunderstanding among members and medical staff
  6. 16. the role of pharmacists in the ptc
  7. 17. "as the thing is needed"
  8. 19. a function of ptc where they recommend policies on drug evaluation, selection, and therapeutic use
  9. 20. a process used to assess the appropriateness of drug therapy
  1. 1. drug being studied for a medical condition
  2. 2. cotrimoxazole is an example
  3. 3. opium is an example
  4. 4. Policy forming body
  5. 5. where drug defects should be reported
  6. 7. these are harmful or undesired effects from medication use
  7. 8. heparin is an example
  8. 9. they contain the same AI, DF, ROA, and strength
  9. 13. drug list with no limitation of access
  10. 14. they contain the same moiety but different salts/DF/strength
  11. 18. "urgent or rush"