
  1. 2. caused by increased oiliness of the skin
  2. 4. Starts growing in places like your armpits
  3. 6. The period of time when our bodies change from being an child to an adult.
  4. 8. Sperm Duct
  5. 11. Female periods
  6. 12. Male Hormone
  7. 13. Opening where urine leaves the body
  8. 15. Chemical produced by the body
  9. 16. Female Hormone
  1. 1. Where babies, menstrual blood leave the female body
  2. 3. Holds the testicles
  3. 5. Caused by our larynx growing it makes our voice...
  4. 6. Type of change
  5. 7. Main gland responsible for releasing hormones
  6. 9. Type of change
  7. 10. Stronger feelings towards some people
  8. 14. Range of emotions and feelings