Public Safety Criminal Justice Yaz

  1. 3. A period of supervision of an offender ordered by the court instead of serving time in prison
  2. 5. Confiscating a person's property or actual person for criminal acts defined by the law.
  3. 7. Also called Deadly Force, is force that is likely to cause serious bodily injury or death
  4. 8. A place of confinement for people convicted of serious crimes usually administered by the State or Federal government.
  5. 9. In Arizona, 3 classes of crimes that could result in jail time and/or fines
  6. 11. Dogs specifically bred and trained to work with drugs, cadaver, bombs, cell phones, etc.
  7. 13. Helicopter Casualty Evacuation
  8. 14. A system designed to notify citizens of unlawful taking of a child that provides name and vehicle information of the suspected kidnapper
  9. 16. a place for lawful confinement of people waiting for their trial or for those convicted of misdemeanor offenses.
  10. 17. Assisting the heart and lungs to work with via chest compressions
  11. 18. Subjects creating a barrier from emergency personnel from rendering aid
  12. 19. when a person fails to perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the result will occur or that the circumstance exists.
  1. 1. Personnel responsible for two-way communication between field units
  2. 2. Where a crime actually occurred.
  3. 4. Tangible evidence found at a crime scene.
  4. 6. moving around a designated area for the purpose of observing and/or preventing activity.
  5. 10. Criminal information supported by Arizona Department of Public Safety that collects feeds on arrests, the issue of active warrants, case dispositions and the occurrence of criminal matters from law enforcement agencies and the state judiciary.
  6. 12. police patrol using motorized vehicles; cars, motorcycles etc
  7. 14. A statewide network housing various database on persons and property in Arizona
  8. 15. Usually a 10 step process of listening, engaging and reflecting what one hears