- 1. First Main character in the book
- 4. The report he got an A on's subject
- 5. (Chapter name) Steel vs ______
- 7. Kenny Stole _____ from the cafeteria
- 9. THE best chili dogs
- 11. Special assembly is all about _____
- 13. The more dangerous it gets the higher you go
- 16. Another name for Dwayne,Kwame, and Quaashie R.
- 17. (Chapter name) Lights,Camera,______
- 18. Kenny's _____ is about to explode
- 19. Looks like he just stepped out of a bad film from 1984
- 2. Strong, beats you up for fun
- 3. G-ma makes Kenny a _______
- 6. (Chapter name) Who he really is
- 8. Where the neighborhood meeting is happening
- 10. Kenny's favorite thing to play
- 12. Strict military base rules
- 14. Did Ray-Ray win or lose to Dr.yetty in the chess game
- 15. Also known as Nicky Powell
- 20. Disgrace