Public School Superhero

  1. 1. First Main character in the book
  2. 4. The report he got an A on's subject
  3. 5. (Chapter name) Steel vs ______
  4. 7. Kenny Stole _____ from the cafeteria
  5. 9. THE best chili dogs
  6. 11. Special assembly is all about _____
  7. 13. The more dangerous it gets the higher you go
  8. 16. Another name for Dwayne,Kwame, and Quaashie R.
  9. 17. (Chapter name) Lights,Camera,______
  10. 18. Kenny's _____ is about to explode
  11. 19. Looks like he just stepped out of a bad film from 1984
  1. 2. Strong, beats you up for fun
  2. 3. G-ma makes Kenny a _______
  3. 6. (Chapter name) Who he really is
  4. 8. Where the neighborhood meeting is happening
  5. 10. Kenny's favorite thing to play
  6. 12. Strict military base rules
  7. 14. Did Ray-Ray win or lose to Dr.yetty in the chess game
  8. 15. Also known as Nicky Powell
  9. 20. Disgrace