Pulmonology- Respiratory System

  1. 4. very low level of oxygen in the cells
  2. 8. difficulty breathing in supine position
  3. 9. chronic bronchitis and emphysema
  4. 10. Thorac/o-
  5. 11. coughing up bloody sputum
  6. 12. very high level of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood
  7. 14. low level of oxygen in the blood
  8. 17. antibiotics are used for this type of infection
  9. 19. “all”
  10. 21. Mantoux test, chest x-ray
  11. 24. Pleur/o-
  12. 25. Muc/o-
  13. 26. caused by inhaling dust or particles
  14. 28. Pulmon/o-
  15. 29. oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange
  16. 31. located between the lungs
  17. 32. high-pitched crowing sound
  18. 33. suppresses the cough centers in the brain
  1. 1. throat
  2. 2. high level of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood
  3. 3. bluish skin color from a high level of carbon dioxide
  4. 5. used to auscultate breath sounds
  5. 6. a reactive airway disease
  6. 7. Py/o-
  7. 10. Anthracosis
  8. 13. waste product of cellular metabolism
  9. 15. bacterial infection, begins like flu
  10. 16. seals the larynx during swallowing
  11. 18. Alveol/o
  12. 20. causes fluid to accumulate in the alveoli of the lungs
  13. 22. caused by a recessive gene
  14. 23. directly posterior to the mouth
  15. 27. oxygen molecule carried on hemoglobin
  16. 30. measures the oxygen level in the blood