- 1. After the Punic Wars Carthage is no longer a ____ to Rome.
- 5. Civilization / Empire that the Roman Republic fought in the Punic Wars.
- 7. Rome and Carthage fought to see who would gain control over the island of Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea. Rome won.
- 10. Carthage tried to get revenge on Rome. Carthage marched war elephants over the Alps to attack Rome. Rome won.
- 11. The three leaders of the Roman Republic after the First Civil War; Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus.
- 12. After the Punic Wars Rome came to control the ____ Basin / Sea.
- 15. Conflict fought to see who would lead the Roman Republic to fix its problems after the Punic Wars.
- 2. What happened to Julius Caesar when he took too much power. Triggered the Second Roman Civil War.
- 3. Became dictator for life of Rome after defeating the other two members of the First Triumvirate.
- 4. Rome gets revenge on Carthage. Rome burns Carthage and enslaves everyone in Carthage. Rome won.
- 6. After farmers lost their jobs to slaves they moved into ____.
- 8. After the Punic Wars there was a ____ (spread) of Roman culture.
- 9. The Roman Republic government tried to help the poor by minting more money, but this resulted in ____.
- 13. Language spoken in Rome.
- 14. The Roman Republic fell apart because ____ spread into the Roman agricultural (farming) system, causing Roman farmers to lose jobs.