Puns,riddles, and jokes

  1. 2. oxygen and a banana go out, what was it?
  2. 3. what's a ghosts favorite ice cream?
  3. 6. what do you get when you put a salt and battery together?
  4. 8. where do dogs go when their missing a tail?
  5. 9. What are you when your in salt?
  6. 11. what do you get when you put money in the washer?
  7. 12. a mushroom walks into a bar but they wont serve him he goes why im a what?
  1. 1. cheese graters make what?
  2. 2. omg
  3. 4. what is a flock of crows called?
  4. 5. where do bad colors go?
  5. 7. I know 25 letters of the alphabet but I don't know what?
  6. 10. a bullet comes home all smashed because he?