- 2. Case to show special skill or knowledge held by defendant
- 4. Case to show general context in which advice is given
- 5. Case to show voluntary assumption of responsibilityauditors prepared inaccurate reports for a public company's
- 7. Assumption of responsibility criteria: Defendant advice claimant or knew it was "..." to them
- 9. Case to show special skill or knowledge held with claimant
- 12. In some cases the defendant may have taken positive steps against assuming responsibility
- 15. Case to show special skill or knowledge held with claimant
- 17. As well as UTCA1977, this case law, disclaimers must be viewed in light of CTA, if applicable
- 22. a)claimant relied on defendant's advice b) reasonable for claimant to rely c) defendant knew or ought to have known claimant was relying
- 24. A landmark decision in the House of Lords for exceptions to PEL
- 25. Key case for defective items
- 27. No duty of care will be owed in respect of PEL
- 28. Key case for loss arising from damage to property
- 29. '...' to the general rule including PEL caused by negligent statement
- 31. HoL held DoC owed to the subject of reference
- 1. Defendant surveyor owed the claimant a duty for the PEL caused by negligent survey, including a disclaimer
- 3. Assumption of responsibility criteria:Defendant :..: claimant rely on advice without independent inquiry
- 6. Assumption of responsibility criteria: claimant "..." advice to their detriment
- 8. Case to show general context in which advice is given
- 10. DoC owed to beneficiaries extends beyond solicitors
- 11. Case to show assumed responsibility to perform professional services
- 13. General rule for PEL (no duty)
- 14. Being equal/equivalent
- 16. Economic loss consequent on physical damage e.g. lost salary because of broken leg
- 18. What case law held that the disclaimer from Smith 1989 was invalid?
- 19. 1)reasonable reliance 2) assumption of responsibility 3) special relationship
- 20. Economic loss which arises where there has been no damage to the claimant's property or injury
- 21. Assumption of responsibility criteria:Defendant "..." which claimant would use advice
- 23. Criteria for assumption of responsibility
- 26. Statements that cause physical harm then the usual duty of care rules apply
- 30. Key case in relation to a will