Purges, Gulag and Five-Year Plans

  1. 2. Between 1917 and 1991 some 25 ___________ people were held in the Gulag system
  2. 3. The combination of endemic violence, extreme climate, hard labor, meager food rations and unsanitary conditions led to extremely ____ ____ ____
  3. 7. Anyone with a higher ________ was suspected of being a potential counterrevolutionary
  4. 9. Stalin was appointed General Secretary of the ___________ Party's Central Committee
  5. 11. All _____ groups, nationalities and religions were imprisoned
  6. 12. Because agricultural output of the collectives fell, this caused a major ______ in the countryside
  7. 14. The __________, or repressions, reached from the Party elite to intellectual professionals
  8. 16. The Soviet government used land _______, arrests and deportation to prison camps on those peasants that resisted collectivization
  9. 17. In order to destroy old leaders of the communist party, Stalin unleased a reign of terror and _____ ______ in the 1930s
  1. 1. ______ was the policy adopted by the Soviet government to reduce the economic power of the Kulaks
  2. 4. Some peasants objected to collectivization by slaughtering ______ and destroying their farm equipment
  3. 5. Many prisoners suffered _____, illness, violence and cold
  4. 6. The Gulag was used as a weapon of ongoing ______ control over one country
  5. 8. ________ was the Russian acronym for the Main Administration of Corrective Labor Camps
  6. 10. The _____ _____ _____ were designed to achieve the goal of rapid industrialization
  7. 13. ________ were prosperous peasants
  8. 15. The Technical equipment of the Soviet Union was terribly ________