Purple Group

  1. 2. To give an order.
  2. 4. Of a very high standard; excellent. (vocabulary word)
  3. 6. To have a liking for.(vocabulary word)
  4. 9. A dishonest or unfair person. (vocabulary word)
  5. 10. Dogs like to eat this. (spelling word)
  6. 12. You fly this on a windy day. (spelling word)
  1. 1. A person who weaves fabric. (vocabulary word)
  2. 3. Unable to be seen. (vocabulary word)
  3. 5. To look closely or carefully.
  4. 7. This word means the opposite of subtract. (spelling word)
  5. 8. Most babies are _____________. (spelling word)
  6. 11. Everybody has this. It's what you call someone (spelling word)