Purple Hibiscus

  1. 3. This flower is a symbol of freedom and breaking away from the norm
  2. 4. What Aunty Ifeoma’s university wants to be restored to man
  3. 7. This character feels happier and more comfortable following the customs (or lack of customs, at times) of Aunty Ifeoma’s house. He also begins to feel more comfortable asking questions and expressing himself
  1. 1. This is a practice that Aunty Ifeoma’s family does during the rosary that Kambili’s family never did and considered sacrilegious
  2. 2. What Amaka wants to be when she’s older
  3. 5. This character’s garden and makeup choices represent freedom and life, which is also reflected in her character and personality
  4. 6. This character contrasts Kambili in many ways, including in her freedom and joy of expression as well as her pride of Nigerian heritage and culture. She also views Kambili as more of a stereotype than a person