Purpose, scope and methods of enforcement in Antarctica

  1. 2. The Antarctic Treaty covers over 20 million km2 of this geographical area.
  2. 9. The Antarctic Treaty stipulates that all areas of Antarctica, including all stations, ships and aircraft, must be open at all times to this.
  3. 11. An organisation that undertakes scientific research in Antarctica and provides objective and independent scientific advice to the ATCM.
  4. 12. The number of years that the Antarctic Treaty is in effect for.
  5. 14. The more common name for the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty.
  6. 15. Any member of this organisation can accede to the Antarctic Treaty, allowing membership to grow.
  7. 16. The amount of commercial whaling that is allowed within the Southern Ocean.
  8. 18. The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling is signed by member governments and consists of a legally binding schedule that sets out specific measures on these.
  9. 23. One of the key purposes of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty was to identify protected areas such as these.
  10. 24. The name given to the whaling ban established by the IWC in 1982.
  11. 25. The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty is in effect until the year 20__
  1. 1. A species besides whales that the IWC is particularly concerned with given that damage to it could threaten the entire food chain of the Southern Ocean.
  2. 3. Specified areas of Antarctica have been designated at these.
  3. 4. The purpose of the Antarctic Treaty was to establish Antarctica as a location for this.
  4. 5. These are carried out around bases, on land and in the sea to assess the impact that bases and the activities are having on the surrounding area.
  5. 6. The percentage of consultative parties who must agree to any modifications to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty.
  6. 7. One of the main focus areas of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty along with waste management and marine pollution.
  7. 8. The purpose of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty was to ban this indefinitely.
  8. 10. The name of the meetings of which 53 countries meet to ensure that the Antarctic Treaty is being adhered to.
  9. 13. The subsection within the UNEP relating to Antarctica.
  10. 17. The name that has been given to the group of over 30 NGOs who have joined together following CRAMRA.
  11. 19. The organisation that oversees the whaling industry, regulates whaling and conserves whale stocks.
  12. 20. The group which undertakes methods of inspection as part of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty and reports to the ATCM.
  13. 21. The number of clauses within the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty.
  14. 22. The year that the Antarctic Treaty was established; 19__