
  1. 2. the far superior game
  2. 3. a frozen fish or the name of a man
  3. 5. an affectionate name to call a loved one
  4. 6. something that corl said
  5. 8. the name of all those misogynistic
  6. 9. house station gallery forest school hospital metro carnival city mall outpost distorted memory plant with 2 endings
  7. 11. emily tanya and emj
  8. 15. _______ moon (an og youtuber)
  9. 18. the lyrics of a song sung on the judges get the giggles
  10. 19. a book of maps or charts paired with an italian classic
  11. 20. what dua lipa doesnt have or what sophai controls in her house
  12. 21. and bean or slide
  13. 23. soap ______ or a style of music known to be sung by our very own ethan liu
  14. 24. the initials of a big splotch of paynes grey
  15. 25. yeehaws favorite phrase
  1. 1. what im not doing when elliot thinks hes being funny
  2. 3. what you say when someone is disrespecting your clothing
  3. 4. best fitting couple
  4. 7. thats actually _____
  5. 10. Au fish (it smiles back)
  6. 11. a song written by todays finest pop star (jvo)
  7. 12. my favorite boyband
  8. 13. the most fashionable of them all
  9. 14. in christ
  10. 16. something done by something or a nickname for tanya acting without the tanya look
  11. 17. double or a kpop group
  12. 22. carey huang