Push vs Pull Manufacturing: Terms and Ideas

  1. 5. This company makes drinks in a pull method of production.
  2. 6. This is the rate of production, when matched to customer needs will allow for no overproduction.
  3. 9. This product is made using a push method because of long lead times. The product is started and then the representative of the company looks for a buyer.
  4. 11. Not only can each method be applied to a production assembly as a whole but also each method can be applied to separate _____.
  5. 12. As in the example of Peter Russel, one company may be based on a push system and another on a pull method of production but they are both connected with this system.
  6. 13. When a product is made and inventory is created. The customer is then enticed to buy, through marketing.
  7. 14. The people everything focuses on. These people drive the production and are the reason for the business.
  8. 15. An approach that mixes the push and pull methods of production.
  9. 16. Many times in push systems product is waiting as ___.
  10. 17. This system is based on the idea that when an item runs out, another is produced or ordered to replace the void.
  1. 1. When a product is produced due to a customer order limiting inventory and following lean practices.
  2. 2. When the future demand is determined to predict the amount of product to produce.
  3. 3. When there is a void or _____ it signals to a pull system to produce a new item.
  4. 4. This is a custom job that is very flexible and allows for variety. Most of the time they will be push methods.
  5. 7. Small group of products moved through production. In a pull method, this is preferred because as soon as an order is received this small group can quickly be made. In a push method, this small group of products will be produced beforehand to then be sent to fulfill orders.
  6. 8. When products are produced rapidly and have little to no variety. In a pull method of production, these orders are to fill what has been sold. For a push method, many products are rapidly pushed to the end to fill the shelves of made-to-stock stores.
  7. 10. When a plant or process of manufacturing is set up to use both push and pull depending on the lead time of each part.