Puttin' it Together

  1. 2. this plate boundary is sometimes called a strike-slip fault
  2. 5. without this ductile zone of earth's mantle the lithosphere would not have something to slide on
  3. 8. lithospheric crust is created at this type of margin
  4. 12. new crust forms out of this at divergent plate boundaries
  5. 13. this is the smallest tectonic plate on earth
  6. 14. the highest mountains in the world are formed as a result of this type of crust coming together
  7. 16. these result at transform plate boundaries as a result of crustal plates moving against each other
  8. 18. the only tectonic plate situated completely in south of the equator
  9. 19. the youngest rocks on earth can be found here - like the one in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
  10. 20. volcanoes can be formed at convergent plate boundaries and above these
  1. 1. this margin is also called a convergent plate boundary
  2. 3. this is part of the world's longest (underwater) mountain range
  3. 4. this is the thinnest portion of the lithosphere - located beneath the ocean's water
  4. 6. this plate boundary is responsible for mountain building
  5. 7. the portion of earth made up earth's crust and upper most solid mantle
  6. 9. this mountain range exists as a result of the Indian Plate subducting underneath the Eurasian Plate
  7. 10. this plate is subductin underneath the North American Plate
  8. 11. these type of igneous mountains are caused at convergent plate boundaries
  9. 15. an example of a transform plate boundary
  10. 17. sometimes called a ridge -this topographic feature is formed at convergent plate boundaries