Puzzle 1

  1. 2. suggested that hydrogen atoms in the sun fused or combined to form helium atoms
  2. 3. only moon in solar system with substantial atmosphere
  3. 4. type of visible star is coolest
  4. 5. magellanic cloud is a
  5. 8. natural disasters happen on moon
  6. 9. the sun
  7. 10. Horsehead nebula is
  8. 11. brightest star in southern constellation of carina
  9. 13. pulsar is actually a
  10. 14. a black hole of mass of earth would be of size of a
  11. 15. Device that does not work on moon
  12. 17. Saturn's moon has distinctive equatorial ridge
  13. 19. class name that andromeda galaxy belongs to
  14. 21. largest volcano
  15. 22. two bright spots of light on opposite sides of a halo
  16. 24. the dragon
  17. 26. great red spot located at
  18. 27. cool areas on the surface of earth
  1. 1. star closest to sun
  2. 6. galaxy home to solar system
  3. 7. unit measurement used to describe the expansion of universe
  4. 12. rotation axis to most celestial bodies is
  5. 16. astronomical event that made headlines in 1986
  6. 18. only moon with active volcanoes
  7. 20. asteroid type of heavenly body
  8. 22. first rover to explore mars
  9. 23. the hunter
  10. 25. bright star in constellation Ursa major