
  1. 2. A trade organization that promotes trade liberalization throughout the world.
  2. 6. A trade organization that unites many of the countries surrounding the Pacific Ocean.
  3. 7. Groups established to help with the free flow of goods and services.
  4. 12. An enforceable treaty between two or more countries that addresses the movement of goods and services, eliminates trade barriers, establishes terms of trade, and encourages foreign direct investment.
  1. 1. The movement of goods, services, technology, investment, ideas, and people throughout the world.
  2. 3. Agreement between two or more countries created to prevent double taxation and tax evasion.
  3. 4. A trade agreement that sets rules surrounding the movement of goods, services, and investments across North America (Canada, US, and Mexico).
  4. 5. An organization of 186 member countries that provides monetary and technical support for developing countries.
  5. 8. A trade agreement encompassing twenty-seven countries in Europe and a population of almost half a billion people. It has its own flag, anthem, and currency.
  6. 9. A trade organization made for the advancement of democracy and market economies.
  7. 10. A trade organization encompassing the 20 major economies of the world.
  8. 11. An organization that tracks economic trends, analyzes countries’ financial performances, warns governments of potential financial problems, provides expertise to governments, and provides a forum for discussion.
  9. 13. A trade organization encompassing the 8 major economies of the world.
  10. 14. Common currency adopted by most of the countries in the EU.