  1. 4. a preconceived notion about somebody
  2. 8. the world is facing today
  3. 11. getting back to normal schooling
  4. 14. every day you get it as homework
  5. 15. you meet every week to discuss about it
  1. 1. a longtailed bird that mimics the calls and songs of the other birds
  2. 2. a place where activities are held at school
  3. 3. learn about different characters
  4. 5. you need to carry it with you daily
  5. 6. the last sentence of your introductory paragraph
  6. 7. Principal of Das girls
  7. 9. Academic coach
  8. 10. some like it, some do not like it
  9. 12. each year we will be better than we were the year before
  10. 13. an academic progress test to improve learning