  1. 2. it is a part of the respiratory system, contains hairs and mucous membrane.
  2. 3. these are the functional units of lungs, surrounded by Capillaries.
  3. 6. these are present in matured stems & branches & perform transpiration.
  4. 9. the special roots seen in the trees growing in wet lands & help to take the atmospheric oxygen.
  5. 10. it is the common part of both Digestive & Respiratory systems.
  1. 1. the trees growing in the wet lands develop special roots for transpiration.
  2. 4. it is also called as vocal box, contains vocal cords.
  3. 5. it is present at the floor of the chest cavity & plays key role in male's breathing process.
  4. 7. a scientist, found the air we breat-out can convert the lime water in to milky white solution.
  5. 8. it is the main wind pipe in respiratory system to allow the air movements.