Puzzle Karina

  1. 4. allows hearing
  2. 6. Feeling of extreme fatigue and lack of energy
  3. 7. Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, caused by viruses
  4. 9. Feeling of dizziness and imbalance
  5. 10. Burning sensation in the chest caused by stomach acid reflux
  6. 12. Inflammation of the stomach lining, which can cause abdominal pain and heartburn
  7. 14. Viral disease that affects the nervous system and can cause skin rashes
  1. 1. is the vital source for the human being
  2. 2. An itchy sensation on the skin
  3. 3. Chronic condition that affects blood glucose levels
  4. 5. An infectious disease that affects the lungs and can cause difficulty breathing
  5. 8. allow breathing
  6. 10. Sensation of sharp pain in the head
  7. 11. allows verbal communication
  8. 13. contains the eyes, nose and ears