Pyschology 50-58

  1. 2. What did Clever Hans wear, which prevented him from answering questions correctly?
  2. 5. Response What is an automatic unlearned action called?
  3. 9. What are inborn patterns of behaviour that are characteristic of a species?
  4. 10. Who conducted an experiment concerning imitating violence with adults, children and an inflatable clown?
  5. 11. Places What is 1 fear Classical Conditioning experiments have tried to cure?
  6. 12. Learning Attention, Retention, Reproduction and Motivation are 4 processes crucial to (blank).
  7. 15. Cover Jones Which psychologist discovered how to use Classical Conditioning to reduce/unlearn fears in children?
  8. 16. Who is Observational Learning particularly important for?
  9. 18. Pavlov Who discovered Classical Conditioning?
  1. 1. Response What is a learned reaction called?
  2. 3. Reinforcement What is an event, situation of condition that increases the likelihood that certain behaviour will recur?
  3. 4. Negative Reinforcement is an event, situation or condition that (blank) the likelihood that certain behaviour with recur.
  4. 6. In what year did behavioural psychologist John Watson perform an experiment with an 11-month-old boy and a white rat?
  5. 7. von Osten What scientist was obsessed with the idea that horses could be taught as much a people?
  6. 8. The results form Bandura's experiments imply that children who watch violent behaviour in their own homes, on television or in sports may be (blank) likely to act aggressively.
  7. 13. F. Skinner Which psychologist conducted an experiment with a rat in a cage, demonstrating Operative Conditioning?
  8. 14. What is the change in knowledge or behaviour as a result of experience?
  9. 17. Ivan Pavlov's experiments involved measuring how much saliva (blank) produced when there were given food.