Q Skills, Book 2, Unit 2, Listening and Speaking

  1. 3. very nice to look at
  2. 4. directly from one point to another
  3. 8. only one color
  4. 9. pleased and satisfied
  5. 10. form
  6. 12. go to a place where no-one can see them
  7. 13. similar in color
  8. 14. very bright
  1. 1. animals that kill and eat other animals
  2. 2. same color
  3. 4. stay alive
  4. 5. a call that means danger
  5. 6. body parts used to fly
  6. 7. calm and quiet
  7. 10. outer covering of your body
  8. 11. something that is dangerous to touch or eat
  9. 15. animals like an ant or a bee